Pour Some Sugar On May - Week 19

Week 19 - The Fruit Cocktail Margarita

Something fabulous and unexpected happened this week and I have to shamelessly brag about it for a minute.  I surpassed 500 followers on Instagram!  How cool is that?  Who knew that my silly drink making adventure would grow into this?  I remember hitting 75 followers and thinking I had "arrived" lol.   Life is certainly an unpredictable adventure.  Thanks to everyone for the support.  Cheers!

10 years ago this week, my best friend gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Megan and dubbed me "Aunt Jessie".  It has been one of my life's greatest joys to be a part of Megan's life and watch her grow up.  I also rock at being an auntie, so win-win!  Last weekend, Megan had a sleepover with 11 girls for her 10th birthday party.  I volunteered to travel to Charleston and help chaperone the party - what on earth was I thinking?  I kid, I kid.  It was a fun weekend, but a LOT of work.  Our efforts deserved a reward in the form of my week 19 drink - The Fruit Cocktail Margarita.

I received overwhelming feedback on my kiwi garnish from last week.  I felt like I had to keep the momentum going for this week.  This was a tall order! I have been considering using a pineapple for a glass for several weeks now.  I decided to go for it this week.  My friend Julie likes sweeter style drinks, so I figured the fruit cocktail mix would be something she would enjoy.

The prep for this week's drink was pretty intense.   I had to hollow out the pineapple to form the cup.  Since I was making two, I had to do it twice.  I was definitely more efficient on the second try, but it was a messy business no matter which way you sliced it - pun intended:)  you can see some of my adventure below:

This drink called for tequila, triple sec, orange juice and canned fruit cocktail.  All ingredients were blended together.  I saved some of the juice from cutting up the pineapple.  After I started to mix up the drink, I thought it might be fun to add that to the drink.  This was the only modification I made to the recipe below.  The drink mixed up beautifully and tasted great.  I think the pineapple cups added to the fun experience of this drink.

Two fun side notes - Julie's mom was visiting from New York for the week.  She came downstairs in some fun pants with Margarita glasses.  She said she was getting in the spirit of the drink.  So fun! Thanks for the support Deb.

The second fun side note- In addition to my awesome niece Megan, Julie had my nephew Preston almost 5 years ago.  While we were getting the drinks ready, he kept putting his hands in the air and asking me "Aunt Jessie, why are you drinking out of that plant?" lol!!  It was priceless.  I snapped a pic for your enjoyment below.  PS - don't mind the Santa suit that he wore all day in in 87 degree weather - he wants to be Santa when he grows up:) #Goals

Lesson learned - Taking a risk pays off.  The pineapple cups would have been totally out of the scope of what I thought I could create a few months ago, but each week I get a little more confident, which allows me to try more challenging things. 

1 1/2 ounces white tequila
1 ounce triple sec
1/2 cup canned fruit cocktail (with juice)
2 ounces orange juice

Level of difficulty - 7
Taste - 8.5
Overall - 8


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