Kiwi Be Friends? - Week 18

Week 18 - The Kiwi Margarita

One of the best parts of living in Jacksonville, is the second weekend in May, when The Players Championship comes to town.  Even if you don't like golf, it's a pretty fun event to attend and the whole city gets excited.  I planned my whole Sunday around watching the last round of the tournament on TV.  This is why I find it most ironic that today, of all days, my cable decided to go out.  Seriously life!?!  I have called Comcast no less than 5 times - great news, it should be fixed by 9:00 pm tonight.  Insert eye roll here as the tournament ends by 7:00 pm.  I was able to unplug and re-plug in the cable box every 20 min or so and I could watch between the moments the TV froze.  It was just like being there...except that it wasn't and I definitely had to check my red headed temper a few times.  To take my mind off the annoying cable mishap, I decided to put my energy into margarita making and upping my garnish game.  I think I chose wisely.

I went with The Kiwi Margarita for my week 18 drink.  This drink was made in frozen fashion and called for fresh cut up kiwi and pineapple juice, in additional to the traditional margarita ingredients.  It was a fun drink to make and it tasted excellent.  It was a direct contrast to last week's bland grape margarita.  This drink had a fun punch of taste that made it refreshing and delicious.  It would be a great for a summer party or event. 

I have wanted to try a more complex garnish.   Since I had some time on my hands today, I decided to give the kiwi flower a try.  I was so pleased with how it turned out.  Photos of the process are below.

Lesson Learned: Sometimes a change of plans and some time on your hands can lead to something great.  Had I not had some extra time on my hands this afternoon, I may not have taken the time to create the awesome garnish above.  Don't tell Comcast this all turned out for the better:)

2 ounces tequila
2 ounces pineapple juice
1 ounce triple sec
1/2 ounce lime juice
1/2 ounce simple syrup
1 kiwi fruit, peeled and quartered
Sugar and Kiwi slice for garnish if desired

Level of difficulty: 4
Taste: 8.5
Overall: 8


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