Grape Expectations - Week 17

Week 17 - The White Grape Margarita

Happy Cinco de Mayo two days late!!  I did have a margarita to celebrate the day, but forgot to take a photo.  I've been in Washington, DC for a conference all week and just got back.  Our nation's capital is awesome and I had the best time, but the trip didn't leave a lot of time to write and publish this week's post.  I usually give myself a week cushion, but I used that up in the craziness of life over the last two weeks.  I did manage to make the drink before I left last weekend, but I didn't get the post written.  Good thing I'm the boss of this blog - it's hard to fire myself:)

This week's drink of choice is the White Grape Margarita.  I didn't really have any expectations with this drink.  I went into it with the idea that I would just see how it goes.  I'm far enough into this experiment to know that sometimes drinks surprise you.  While grapes didn't seem like they would have an overwhelming flavor, I was willing to give it a try. 

The drink was pretty simple to put together and I enjoyed the process.  In addition to the usual margarita ingredients, this recipe called for white grape juice and frozen grapes.  This drink is made in frozen form so I had to use the blender to mix up this drink.  Though the blender and I got off to a rough start (see week 3 and week 6), we've had a pretty good run the last month or so. I was optimistic about this drink, but I do think it came out a bit on the watery side.  However, in the end, I think the drink tasted better a little on the watery side.  I added two grapes for garnish to finish the drink.

The taste was decent, but a bit bland.   It is a solid choice for someone who loves grapes, but I admit, this was not my favorite drink.  However, it is an interesting twist on the margarita drink and I enjoyed the process of making and trying this version of the drink.

Lesson Learned: Frozen fruit is an interesting addition to the margarita.  As the temperatures begin to rise and we roll into the summer months, frozen fruit leads to an endless list of possible additions to new drink recipes.  I can't wait to try them all!

2 ounces tequila
1 ounce triple sec
1 ounce white grape juice
1/2 ounce lime juice
6-7 frozen whole green grapes
Grapes for garnish if desired

Level of difficulty - 3
Taste - 6
Overall - 6


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