
Showing posts from May, 2018

Pour Some Sugar On May - Week 19

Week 19 - The Fruit Cocktail Margarita Something fabulous and unexpected happened this week and I have to shamelessly brag about it for a minute.  I surpassed 500 followers on Instagram!  How cool is that?  Who knew that my silly drink making adventure would grow into this?  I remember hitting 75 followers and thinking I had "arrived" lol.   Life is certainly an unpredictable adventure.  Thanks to everyone for the support.  Cheers! 10 years ago this week, my best friend gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Megan and dubbed me "Aunt Jessie".  It has been one of my life's greatest joys to be a part of Megan's life and watch her grow up.  I also rock at being an auntie, so win-win!  Last weekend, Megan had a sleepover with 11 girls for her 10th birthday party.  I volunteered to travel to Charleston and help chaperone the party - what on earth was I thinking?  I kid, I kid.  It was a fun weekend, but a LOT of work.  Our efforts deserved a reward i

Kiwi Be Friends? - Week 18

Week 18 - The Kiwi Margarita One of the best parts of living in Jacksonville, is the second weekend in May, when The Players Championship comes to town.  Even if you don't like golf, it's a pretty fun event to attend and the whole city gets excited.  I planned my whole Sunday around watching the last round of the tournament on TV.  This is why I find it most ironic that today, of all days, my cable decided to go out.  Seriously life!?!  I have called Comcast no less than 5 times - great news, it should be fixed by 9:00 pm tonight.  Insert eye roll here as the tournament ends by 7:00 pm.  I was able to unplug and re-plug in the cable box every 20 min or so and I could watch between the moments the TV froze.  It was just like being there...except that it wasn't and I definitely had to check my red headed temper a few times.  To take my mind off the annoying cable mishap, I decided to put my energy into margarita making and upping my garnish game.  I think I chose wisel

Grape Expectations - Week 17

Week 17 - The White Grape Margarita Happy Cinco de Mayo two days late!!  I did have a margarita to celebrate the day, but forgot to take a photo.  I've been in Washington, DC for a conference all week and just got back.  Our nation's capital is awesome and I had the best time, but the trip didn't leave a lot of time to write and publish this week's post.  I usually give myself a week cushion, but I used that up in the craziness of life over the last two weeks.  I did manage to make the drink before I left last weekend, but I didn't get the post written.  Good thing I'm the boss of this blog - it's hard to fire myself:) This week's drink of choice is the White Grape Margarita.  I didn't really have any expectations with this drink.  I went into it with the idea that I would just see how it goes.  I'm far enough into this experiment to know that sometimes drinks surprise you.  While grapes didn't seem like they would have an overwhelm