It's Five O'clock Somewhere - Week 51

Week 51 - The Coconut Margarita
 I'm almost done with my Margarita journey!  I've hit the home stretch and I'm feeling pretty good about my week 51 drink - The Coconut Margarita.

I love all things coconut, so I was pretty confident I was going to like this drink.  However, I prefer drinks that shaken over ice, not blended, so I wasn't sure the frozen coconut drink was going to be one of my favorites. I was in for a surprise when it turned out that this was one of my favorite drinks all year!

In addition to tequila, this  drink calls for coconut rum, coconut milk and sweetened coconut cream (Coco Lopez).  Throw these ingredients in the blender with ice and viola!  I found that I really liked this drink.  However, you have to be all in on coconut or this will not be for you.  It's a perfect summer drink, though I used it over the holidays and that worked too!

Lesson learned - Sometimes drinks are exactly what you think they will be.  That was the case this week.  No need to mess with a good thing!

1 1/2 ounces coconut rum
1 ounce tequila
1 ounce coconut milk
1 ounce coconut cream (i.e. Coco Lopez)
Coconut shavings for garnish

Level of difficulty - 4
Taste - 9
Overall - 9


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