Two Blondes Walk Into A Bar - Week 35

Week 35 - The Blonde Margarita
Today was a perfect Sunday.  I didn't have anything pressing to do.  I watched football, golf and made margaritas.  I even fit in a nap.  It doesn't get much better than that!  The perfect celebration of this day is my week 35 drink -  The Blonde Margarita.

This drink calls for light cream and vanilla Schnapps in addition to Tequila and simple syrup.  I went on a search a few months ago for vanilla schnapps.  I checked a few stores nearby and had no luck finding it.  I thought this was odd, but recognized that I was going to smaller stores and thought I just needed a bigger store.  Since then, I have tried 5 additional stores over the last several weeks.  I admit, I did not see this obstacle coming.  It seemed like such a simple thing to find.   Finally at the last store I visited, I asked the person working there why this was so hard to find.  She didn't have an answer for me, but she did offer a solution - an alternative liquor that would get me close to what I was looking for - Smirnoff Vanilla.  After searching for weeks, I knew this was the closest I was going to get, so I went for it.  I realize this is cheating a bit on the recipe, but this is a hobby, not  my life's work and sometimes you need to to know when to cry "uncle".  In the end, I'm pretty sure it was close enough for my purposes and worked just fine.

I am not a fan of "milk" type alcoholic beverages.  I try really hard to like them because they look so fun and they smell great, but the taste absolutely turns my stomach.  This being said, I was extremely cautious going into this drink.  I keep hoping one of these drinks will change my opinion.  As of today, my wait continues.  This drink was really easy to put together and looked and smelled great.  The vanilla bean garnish was perfect.  In theory, it was the perfect drink, but one sip and I was over it.  That's two thumbs down for me.  However, I absolutely realize that others may love this drink.  It's simply not for me.  You will have to give this a shot and judge for yourself!

Lesson Learned - One man's trash is another man's treasure.  This drink was not for me, but I realize it may be something other people enjoy.  While this isn't on my list to make again, it doesn't mean that I would not suggest it to someone else. 

2 ounces light cream (or half-and-half)
1 ounce tequila
1 ounce vanilla schnapps
1 ounce simple syrup
garnish with superfine sugar on the rim and a vanilla bean

Level of Difficulty - 2
Taste - 4
Overall - 4


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