When Jim Cantore shows up, we leave! - Week 20

Week 20 - The Hurricane Margarita

Since moving to the great state of Florida, I have had to learn to appreciate a few things that were not on my radar before life in the south.  I say "life in the south" because Jacksonville is very close to the Georgia boarder and some could argue (me) that it's basically south Georgia.  I was not prepared for the amount of "ma'aming and Ya'lling" that came my way when I moved here.  However, as the time passes, I have learned to find it endearing and comforting.  I just might be cut out for life in the south after all:)  Kidding, I'm still an opinionated New Yorker, but I like to think I have learned to also appreciate what the south has to offer.  I will however, NEVER understand why people put tires on trucks that are so big you need a ladder to get in the vehicle, but that's a discussion for another day.

The biggest change to living in Florida, is learning to both appreciate and have a healthy fear of hurricane season.  This is something that was so new to me, I could not wrap my hear around the concept of such storms.  Say what you will about snow storms, but they don't blow your house down in a matter of hours. 

The Floridians tend to melt down at the first sign of precipitation.  One rain drop and it's pandemonium.  By the way, it rains pretty much every afternoon in the summer, so this is something that completely baffles me.   They look to the sky as though they have never seen rain before and then proceed to lose all ability to drive a vehicle.  Seriously people, the storm passes in about 15 minutes and life returns to normal - but that might just be me being a snotty Yankee. 

All kidding aside, the thing I find even more baffling than their fear of rain, is that when a hurricane starts heading towards Florida, the above mentioned Floridians, that melt down at the first raindrop, become the toughest people you have ever seen.  These people NEVER panic.  They just accept their fate in regards to the storm and go on with life.  Meanwhile, the opinionated New Yorker (me) starts melting down and hoarding water like I will never see it again.  It's really quite something and I suppose proves that there is certainly a season for all things:)

In honor of the beginning of Hurricane season, I decided to make my week 20 drink the Hurricane Margarita.  This drink recipe is not in the book that I usually use, so I had to take to the internet for ideas.  I found what I think will make an interesting drink.  It's a modification of the original "Hurricane" drink that was popularized in Louisiana.  Rumor, or the internet, has it that the original drink was derived when a bar owner had to get rid of a lot of rum quickly.  Whether or not this is true remains a mystery, but the drink lives on, most famously at a New Orleans Bar called, Pat O'Briens.
If you have never been, plan a trip.  The city itself is amazing and Pat O'Briens is a right of passage. You will not regret it.

This drink went together very easily.  To be honest, the garnish took me longer than the drink itself.  This was the first time I have added rum to a margarita, so I was eager to see how adding the new ingredient would change up the taste of the traditional margarita. 

I was a little apprehensive to use the spiced rum.  I like coconut rum, but tend not to stray outside that flavor.  I wasn't sure what to expect.  However, I was pleasantly surprised by the light refreshing taste of this drink.  It was definitely one of the stronger drinks I have made, but it went down smooth and easy - that is probably dangerous!  The only thing I would do differently, is to omit the salt on the rim.  I was a bit ambitious when I added it and immediately regretted my choice.  The drink was too sweet for the salt.  Other than that, two thumbs up!  This drink is an excellent addition to the long, hot summer days that are upon us.

Lesson learned - I'm now brave enough to try drinks outside the box and to add/subtract ingredients based on my preferences and instincts.  This is a turning point in my drink making.  Not so long ago, I could barely use the blender.  Progress!!

2 ounces Tequila
1 ounce Captain Morgan Spiced Rum
2 ounces pineapple juice
1 ounce Grenadine
2 ounces orange juice
juice from 1/2 lime

Level of difficulty - 2
Taste - 8
Overall - 8


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