Mojitos Mo Problems - Week 8

Week 8 - The Mojito Rita

I have been really excited to make this drink. It is one I've been eyeing since I received the book. This drink combines two of my most favorite drinks, the mojito and the margarita.  I decided to make week 8 the Mojito Rita.  It did not disappoint!

I was nervous to make this drink because I needed to use a muddler which I have never used before.  However, thanks to my Amazon-gone-wild purchase craze of the last few weeks, I'm now the proud owner of a brand new, shiny muddler.   This drink also gave me the opportunity to use my new drink swivel stir stick (See Week 6).   Using two new items in one week, I felt like such a fabulous home bartender.  Keep reading to find out how WRONG I was:)

Side note - I also stocked up on some fun new straws recently.  This drink gave me an opportunity to use one.  See photo below to check out my straw arsenal!

The drink had a bit of prep work involved, but it was a lot of fun, so it didn't really feel like all that much work. I had to purchase a new mint plant so I had mint leaves for this drink.  Mint plants smell wonderful!  How did I live without one of these for so long?  Probably because my friends call me a plant hospice.  I'm the person the plants stay with before they go to be with Jesus.  I accept this because it's so much better than the truth, which is - I'm a plant serial killer:(  I try so hard to keep things beside myself alive, but it's just SO. DIFFICULT.

Back to the drink - I cut up the lime into quarters, added the mint leaves, brown sugar and water together.  I then used my muddler to mix everything together to release the oils and aromas in the mint leaves - how fancy do I sound right now?  This all sounds great and I totally thought I was killing it as a drink maker until I sat down to type this post up.  Since the muddler is a new tool for me, I Googled it just to be sure I was spelling the name properly.  In doing this, I realized I had used the tool upside down!  O.M.G. how embarrassing - who does that?!?!  I actually thought about leaving this part out of my blog post because I felt really silly and very embarrassed, but this blog is about reporting the whole experience including, the good, the bad and the ugly.  This definitely qualifies as the ugly!   Below is the proud picture I took of me using this tool (unknowingly) upside down .  Enjoy a laugh on me!

In hindsight, Using it the other way around makes a LOT more sense because the limes kept slipping away on me while I was trying to mash them up.  I bet using the flat side is way easier!  Insert eye roll at myself here.  Two steps forward and one step back.  If nothing else, this process was very humbling:)

Besides the muddler misstep, the rest of the drink went together very easily and tasted fantastic!  This is definitely one of my favorites so far.  This is also a drink I would make for friends down the road.

Lesson Learned - I'm still learning and that's okay.  So what if I used the muddler upside down, the drink still tasted great!  If you can't laugh at your mistakes, life is going to be a very long journey!

3/4 lime, cut into quarters
5 to 6 mint leaves
1 teaspoon light brown sugar
1/2 ounce water
1 1/2 ounces tequila
1 ounce Cointreau
Mash together lime quarters, mint leaves, brown sugar and water until mint leaves start to bruise.  Add in tequila, Cointreau and ice.  Stir do not shake.

Level of difficulty: 5
Taste: 9
Overall: 9


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