How it all began

Full confession, before last week, I barely understood what a blog was.  I mean, I understood the general idea of a blog and I read blogs from time to time, but not HOW it actually happened behind the scenes.  I truly can't think of anything more out of my comfort zone than writing about myself or my thoughts.  I tend to keep the inner workings of my brain to myself, so people don't think I'm a weirdo!  However, it is good to do things outside one's comfort zone on occasion, so here I am!  Go easy on me:)

A few months ago I decided I needed a hobby.  Something I could do without a lot of interaction with people.  I know, this makes me sound awful, but hear me out!  I love my job, but it is pretty intense and I work long hours and travel a fair amount. In addition, I am also involved in a number of organizations which are near and dear to my heart.  Because of all of this, I enjoy a quiet night in after work, whenever possible.  I thought learning to make a good cocktail would be fun and a useful life skill, that I could do from the comfort of my own kitchen. Win-Win!  I enjoy a good margarita on occasion, so I decided to start there.

My first attempt was a bit comical.  Important fact about drink making, it's a bad idea to mix up 2 cups and 2 ounces, especially when it comes to tequila.  Lesson learned the hard way!  I did better on my second try.  I also had a few "consultants" along the way that steered me in the right direction.  I am forever grateful to these people and their patience.

Word got around at my office about my new hobby - perfecting my margarita skills. Over the holidays, I was given a new margarita shaker and a book entitled 101 Margaritas by Kim Haasarud and Alexandra Grablewski.  These two items were possibly my favorite gifts ever! Who knew there were that many versions of a margarita?  Probably everyone but me.  Apparently, I live under a rock when it comes to drink making.  But then again, that's why I'm doing this!

While I was flipping through the book, one of my co-workers jokingly said "you should make all of the drinks in that book and blog about it".  We laughed and moved on with our days, but an idea was born.  While 101 margaritas was a little ambitious, one a week seemed just exciting enough, without overwhelming me.  So that is what I am going to do.  One year, one margarita per week.  Fifty-two chances to get it right or get it very wrong.  Either way, it should make for an interesting and I'm sure anecdotal, story to tell. 


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