
Showing posts from January, 2018

Beginner's luck - Week 1

Week 1 - The Prickly Pear Margarita   I was in Ft. Lauderdale for work a few weeks ago and stopped at a restaurant called Canyon for drinks with friends after work.   Canyon is known for a drink called the Prickly Pear Margarita.  I instantly loved this drink.  The first thing I looked up in the book I received for Christmas (101 Margaritas - referenced in my first post ) was this recipe.  Sure enough it was in there! I decided to make week one the Prickly Pear Margarita.  I already had all the ingredients for the drink, with the exception of the prickly pear syrup.  That should be easy enough to get right?  Wrong.  This stuff must be tapped out of a cactus lined with gold out in Arizona!  It was back ordered three weeks.  However, when it arrived, it was well worth the wait and made the anticipation of the drink all the more fun!   Also, luckily, I am an annoying type A, left brain sequential who pl...

How it all began

Full confession, before last week, I barely understood what a blog was.  I mean, I understood the general idea of a blog and I read blogs from time to time, but not HOW it actually happened behind the scenes.  I truly can't think of anything more out of my comfort zone than writing about myself or my thoughts.  I tend to keep the inner workings of my brain to myself, so people don't think I'm a weirdo!  However, it is good to do things outside one's comfort zone on occasion, so here I am!  Go easy on me:) A few months ago I decided I needed a hobby.  Something I could do without a lot of interaction with people.  I know, this makes me sound awful, but hear me out!  I love my job, but it is pretty intense and I work long hours and travel a fair amount. In addition, I am also involved in a number of organizations which are near and dear to my heart.  Because of all of this, I enjoy a quiet night in after work, w...