This Senorita Needs a Margarita - Week 32
Week 32 - The Marga Raider If you are watching closely, you will realize I'm a week behind in my posts. In my last post, I mentioned that I was on my way to my 20th high school reunion. I had a wonderful time at the reunion and being home for a few days. However, it seems that hitting my 20 year high school reunion was synonymous with old age. I somehow managed to hurt my back upon my return. I'd love to tell you all what I did to cause this injury, but apparently as you get older, you don't actually have to do anything to hurt yourself! I now have a whole new respect for anyone with back pain. It affects every aspect of your life - including drink making! I'm happy to say that I am finally on the mend, but I am now a week behind. I'll do my best to catch up over the next few weeks. The argument could be made that a good margarita may have cured my ailment. I guess we'll never know. In the meantime, my week 32...